March 26, 2017

Review: Fate of The Tearling #3

The Fate of the Tearling (The Queen of the Tearling, #3)

The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

Narrated by: Polly Lee 👍
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

WHAT A FUCKED UP MESS! I didn't like how it ended, sorry. For the most part, I thought the Fate of the Tearling was a great fantasy, but the ending ruined everything.

After ALL that world building and plotting, I felt cheated by a disorganized and chaotic ending. The characters such as Javel, Mace, Aisa, Fr. Tyler, Pen, Row Finn and his children, were utterly cast away and carelessly cut out of the story haphazardly. I was hoping to see Kelsea kick Row Finn's ass, to be honest, or that perhaps he would just turn to ash or disappear.

I couldn't even guess the period in which Kelsea found herself in after she donned Row Finn's crown. Was it even mentioned? I know there were horse buggies but the books in the library hint to our modern age from such authors as Margaret Atwood. And the last person we hear from is Carlin? Really?
"Kelsea, where have you been?" Back in time and future. Where else? :/
Poor Kelsea, She was only nineteen and the conversation with William Tear? in the time tunnel? Is a WTF moment. Oh, let's see...what's behind door number one...or two...or yes, as far back as we can remember *rolls eyes* Kelsea got to pick and choose where in time she would prefer to be in the heat of battle! Damnit! I was so disappointed. On top of it, Kelsea wanted to live in the time that almost bored me to death. Katie and Jonathan Tear were bound in the cellar of a church by Row. I guess we will never know what exactly happened, will we?

At least we find out who her father was. Kelsea also kills The Red Queen, Evelyn. There was magic from a bad witch Brenna and from the diabolical menace Row Finn.

About the author:

Erika Johansen grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. She went to Swarthmore College, earned an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and eventually became an attorney, but she never stopped writing.

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